Print & Mail

The Frigault Coat of Arms

Commissioned by Jean-Guy Frigault
(514) 655-1253

• $8 each
• $2 shipping for entire order (i.e., order more than 1 and still pay only $2.00 shipping)
• Use Canadian check or international money order
• U.S. residents ... be sure to use correct postage to Canada
• Send completed form & payment to:

Jean-Guy Frigault
307 Rue de Jumonville
Boucherville, Québec, Canada J4B 1K1


Enclosed is $_____.

Please send:
_____ Copies of the Frigault Coat of Arms (French version)
_____ Copies of the Frigault Coat of Arms (English version)

I have enclosed $8.00 for each Coat of Arms ordered plus $2.00 for shipping my entire package.

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